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Project References

Strong Partner - Strong Results


Digitalization offers a wide range of new possibilities. Technical processes are already available to every company, regardless of its size. However, they alone are no longer enough to differentiate a company. It is therefore becoming a duty to rethink entire industries and your own business model, to question them and make them fit for the future.

For us, the focus is therefore on digital transformation. This is the only way to ensure sustainable success and secure the added value of our work far beyond our collaboration. The following project references are a selection to give you an insight into our work.

Portal for Digital Citizen Services - Reducing Bureaucracy


The municipality of Alleshausen in Germany wanted to automate administrative processes and offer new digital services for its citizens. itomatics has digitized these and other services step by step: e.g. with the organization of primary school care, the deregistration of children by parents and the billing of fees. This creates new services for citizens and reduces the administrative activities of the municipality to quality control and optimization of services: Easily accessible, real-time processing, transparent and citizen-friendly.



Smart Application for SmartMaterial - Sales Digitalization


itomatics has designed and developed an innovative application for Texmo Blank (formerly Feinguss Blank). Our solutions can be used to configure the right material for every application, from turbocharger components to ski buckles. Sales and customers can directly determine the material specifications for all solutions -- unique worldwide and the leading system for casting materials.

What our customers say

Andrej Wetzel, Feinguss Blank GmbH (today: Texmo Blank GmbH):


"The project result even exceeded the original goal thanks to the constructive collaboration and the suggestions made by itomatics. I very much appreciated the honesty and directness in the collaboration."


Siegfried Butz, Managing Director of Agrarinnovationen Hahnennest GmbH:


"In itomatics, we have found a partner that we have come to greatly appreciate in the collaboration and agile development of software solutions for geoanalysis."


Retail Logistics Excellence – RELEX OY - automated replenishment in retail (partner of itomatics):


"With the RELEX solution, intelligent and automated replenishment in retail is introduced by itomatics in an agile manner in a short time."


Central Finance Dashboard - Improving Transparency


Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH is one of the world's leading manufacturers of mobile cranes and wanted to use a central, cross-company dashboard to consolidate and automate reporting from different areas and improve decision-making. With an initial MVP (Minimal Viable Product), itomatics demonstrated the possibilities, including AI-supported pattern and trend analysis and forecasts. In a further workshop with the managers, the target image and the implementation steps for the BI team and the specialist departments were specified.



Digitalization of the processes of a Single-Family Office


Most companies use Microsoft Office 365 in their administration. It therefore makes sense to automate processes and increase digital competence with Microsoft Power Automate and Sharepoint.

With the low coding approach, we have digitized various processes quickly and with little effort: Task and project management, travel authorization and accounting, reporting and controlling of investments, etc.

moving digital transformation forward

What our customers say

Employee of a well-known single-family office:


"itomatics has made administrative collaboration more efficient with little effort and very quickly: by digitizing processes, personalizing information and intuitive operation."


Carolin Mangold, IT Manager Texmo Blank GmbH:


"itomatics helped us rebuild our intranet presence in Microsoft SharePoint in a very short time and digitized processes such as catering reservations, ordering work clothes, reporting working hours and task management, so that all employees will continue to be involved in the processes and information in the future."


Hein Glüder, Managing Director of Universale Bau GmbH:


"With itomatics, we were able to fully automate our commercial processes quickly and pragmatically. From ordering materials and checking invoices to construction site reporting."


Online Academy: The Portal for Logistics Specialists


For the Borek Competence Center (KZB), itomatics has developed an online portal for training logistics specialists. The aim was to organize most of the training digitally and remotely. This means that skilled workers can be trained for work in Germany while still in their countries of origin. The process, from registration to the dispatch of certificates, is fully automated. Corporate customers have their own access to the portal and can manage the training independently and in a customer-friendly manner.


Strategy for the Digitization of the Supply Chain


For Flocert, the international certification subsidiary of FAIRTRADE, itomatics has developed a strategy and a model for the digitalization of the supply chain as well as the digital transformation. This includes a blueprint for digital certification as well as the realignment of the IT organization including a change strategy.The digitalization of the supply chain offers great potential in FAIRTRADE's business model. A clear strategy helps with the design of the technology and the development of the IT organization in terms of skills and structure.

What our customers say

Prof. Dr. Thomas Vogler, Managing Director of Mercator Consulting GmbH:


"Thanks to itomatics' innovative and agile development, we were able to digitize training and further education for a major discounter in Germany in a very short space of time."


Rüdiger Meyer, Managing Director of Flocert GmbH (FAIRTRADE):


"Expert knowledge, foresight and proven strategic thinking. Just the right thing for a realignment of strategy."


Julius Rummel, Managing Director of Mayser GmbH & Co. KG:


"Experienced in the industry and yet free of fixed thought patterns: itomatics manages the balancing act between the highest standards and customized cooperation as well as a range of services from overarching strategic topics to detailed operational issues. In this way, consulting can also be used effectively and in line with the requirements of medium-sized companies."


Tech-Hub, Switzerland:


"itomatics accompanied the strategy process for us from the very beginning: Development of our purpose, strategic goals and a detailed design of the business model."

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